M.S. in Cybersecurity and Privacy
** NOTE: F1 visa students are not currently eligible to enroll at our Jersey City location.
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M.S. in Cybersecurity and Privacy (30 Credits)
The M.S. in Cybersecurity and Privacy covers the construction and maintenance of secure software systems and tools to ensure the integrity of data and network communication. This spans topics from theoretical cryptographic protocols to government and corporate policy on data privacy. To be admitted to the program, we require a basic background in Mathematics (calculus, linear algebra), Statistics (probability and basic stats) and Software Development (programming, data structures and algorithms). A GRE score is not required. This part-time degree program involves 10 courses of 3 credits each, taught over 5 semesters of 15 weeks each (including summer). Courses consist of formal lectures as well as hands-on programming, network administration, and counter-hacking projects.
The curriculum focuses on various techniques for mitigating the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to networked devices and systems. Participants will learn how to identify security vulnerabilities in local, networked, and cloud software systems, and develop rigorous data management and software development workflows. The program consists of 10 courses of 3 credits each, taught over 5 semesters of 15 weeks each. Instruction includes formal lectures as well as hands-on projects securely storing, transmitting, and extracting data.
The program curriculum covers tools and technologies such as OpenSSL, Wireshark, Rainbow tables, Blockchains, and Certificate Transparency. Students work on homework assignments and projects covering both theory and applications on real data with guidance from the professor and teaching assistants.
Recommended part-time credit schedule: Two courses (6 credits) per semester over five consecutive semesters, including Summer. Start is possible in Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.
Required Courses
CS 608 | Cryptography and Privacy |
CS 645 | Security and Privacy in Computer Systems |
CS 646 | Network Protocols Security |
CS 647 | Counter Hacking Techniques |
CS 656 | Internet and Higher Layer Protocols |
CS 610 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CS 630 | Operating Systems Design |
CS 631 | Data Management System Design |
CS 634 | Data Mining |
CS 643 | Cloud Computing |
CS 673 | Software Design and Production Methodology |
CS 680 | Linux Kernel Programming |
CS 696 | Network Management & Security |
IS 680 | Information Systems Auditing |
IS 681 | Computer Security Auditing |
IS 682 | Forensic Auditing for Computer Security |
IT 620 | Wireless Networks Security and Administration |
IT 640 | Network Services Administration |
To be eligible for admission, a student must have a B.S. degree with a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and have the following background (typically obtained through a BS in a STEM field):
- Calculus: Derivatives, integrals, applications
- Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, dot products, matrices, linear systems
- Probability and Statistics: Random variables, probability distributions, basic statistics
- Programming: Basic programming constructs, writing and debugging programs, iteration, recursion, arrays, lists
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Basic data structures, search and sort, algorithm analysis
Applicants lacking this background may enroll in the Certificate in Foundations of Cybersecurity to acquire it and then continue to the MS program while transferring all credit.
A GRE score is not required.
- Design and build secure infrastructure for managing data and communication both in the cloud and on local servers.
- Provide expert insight on security standards and protocols in large-scale software development or data analytics projects.
- Play a key role in performing ad-hoc analyses of data stored in corporate or government databases and propose solutions to potential vulnerabilities.
- Serve as a network administrator, using penetration testing and other ethical hacking techniques to harden the system against attack.
Jersey City Cohort Students (non-F1 visa): Tuition, University Fee, and GSA Fee per consecutive semester, regardless of residency, assuming two Jersey City courses (6 credits) at 2024-2025 rates
- Fall 2024: $7,470
- Spring 2025: $7,470
- Summer 2025: $6,121
M.S. Degrees: Total Tuition, University Fee, and GSA Fee Costs, assuming two Jersey City courses (6 credits) over five consecutive semesters at 2024-2025 rates
- Fall Start: $36,001
- Spring Start: $34,652
- Summer Start: $34,652
Certifications from the National Security Agency and Cybersecurity |
Infrastructure Security Agency as a designated National Center of Excellence |
Program Contact:
Ying Wu College of Computing
Quinn Hardrick
Student Outreach Manager
University Admissions
Yaslie Pared
Enrollment Services Manager
NJIT@JerseyCity Location
Julio Oyola
Associate Director of Operations for NJIT@JerseyCity