Location: 5116 Guttenberg
Information Technologies Center
Dr. Aritra Dasgupta is an Assistant Professor in the Informatics department at NJIT.
Education: PhD in computing and information systems from the University of North Carolina.
Professional Background:Develops and studies interactive visualization techniques for helping people understand and communicate with data. The goal of his research is to foster greater human-machine trust by the use of visualization as a transparent medium between computational methods and human insights. Before joining NJIT, Aritra was a researcher at New York University and at the US DoE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he led several interdisciplinary, data visualization projects working with experts from diverse domains such as biology, healthcare, climate science, & cybersecurity. Aritra directs NJIT's Intelligible Information Visualization lab (NiiV), which engages students at all levels developing cutting edge, human-in-the-loop visualization techniques for transparent, data-driven decision-making. At NJIT, Aritra teaches courses on data visualization and visual analytics.