Policies and Procedures
NJIT seeks to create a community where rights and mutual responsibilities are both recognized and valued. The university promotes the intellectual and personal development of its student population within an environment of freedom of inquiry. In order to preserve this climate of academic freedom, students are expected and required to adhere to high standards of moral, ethical and professional behavior. These expectations are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
1. How do I access the 101 Hudson building?
Per 101 Hudson policy, proper identification is required for admittance into the building at all times.
Visitor Passes
If you are registered for class(es) at NJIT’s Jersey City location, you must present your NJIT Newark campus ID at the security desk in the ground floor lobby when signing in on your respective day(s) of instruction. Once security personnel confirms your identity, they will take your photo and print you a visitor pass for the day. You’ll then be directed to a security checkpoint to the left of the lobby where your belongings will be scanned.
Please keep your visitor pass with you at all times; if you exit the building and re-enter the same day, you will be required to present your visitor pass or obtain a new one. Visitor passes are only valid on the day they are issued.
Access Cards
Students registered for class(es) at NJIT’s Jersey City location during the current academic term can request a building access card by e-mailing jerseycity@njit.edu in order to bypass checking in at the security desk. Access card requests must include the student’s name, 8-digit NJIT ID number, and the course(s) for which they are registered at the Jersey City location.
All requests must be received by the following deadlines each semester in order to be processed:
- Fall: September 30th
- Spring: January 31st
- Summer: May 31st
Please note that access cards are only valid while classes are in session and may be activated/deactivated at the start and end of every academic term.
2. Can I bring a friend with me while I’m in class at the Jersey City location?
NJIT's Jersey City location has three classrooms designed to bring our graduate STEM education to a convenient location in nearby Jersey City for currently enrolled students. While students are not permitted to bring guests/visitors to the NJIT suite, we encourage you to check out this guide of nearby things to do in the area!
Please keep in mind that our current schedule of classes begins after 101 Hudson's regular business hours. Since the 101 Hudson building is secured and closed to the public after 6:00 p.m., loitering in the lobby or other common areas is also not permitted.
3. Does the NJIT Code of Student Conduct still apply at the Jersey City location?
As a university-leased and -operated facility, students are subject to the Code of Student Conduct at NJIT’s Jersey City location. While the entirety of the Code applies to all students, we’ve highlighted some particularly relevant excerpts below.
Guiding Principles
- The University will protect the safety and well-being of the campus community as well as University-related facilities and property. This right includes taking disciplinary action for offenses occurring off campus when, in the determination of the judicial body, they pose a substantial danger to, or adversely affect, the University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
- Students must familiarize their guests with the Student Code of Conduct. Students shall be responsible for the actions or behavior of their guests.
- Attempts to engage in acts or behaviors prohibited by this Code, or assist others to violate this Code, shall be treated as though the behaviors were completed, and may result in the same sanctions being applied as if the acts or behaviors were completed.
Section 1. Respect For The Campus Community
- Respect for Property: No student shall engage in any form of larceny, robbery, shoplifting, or stealing involving university, personal, or public property. No student shall attempt any form of theft or be in possession of stolen property. Respect for Property includes but is not limited to:
- Destroying, damaging, vandalizing, defacing, misusing, trespassing upon or forcibly entering or proceeding into unauthorized areas of University owned or leased buildings, facilities, rooftops or misappropriation of property.
- Unauthorized or inappropriate use of University property or property belonging to others.
- Defrauding, embezzling, or using false pretenses to procure property or service.
- Disruptive Conduct: No student shall engage in any conduct that disrupts, interferes, or obstructs any educational process or other legitimate social, research, recreational, or administrative activities and functions of the university. Examples of disruptive conduct include but are not limited to:
- Interfering with an instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability for other students to learn.
- Participation in any activity or behavior which disrupts the normal operations of the university.
- Leading or inciting others to disrupt activities in any building or area.
- Intentional obstruction which unreasonably interferes with the freedom of movement on or off campus.
- Engaging in conduct that is disruptive or obscene, regardless of intent.
- Failure to Comply with Official Directives: No student shall fail to comply with any written or verbal directives of university officials acting in the performance of their duties. This includes but is not limited to:
- Failure to identify oneself or provide proper identification when requested.
- Lying with the intent to deceive or misrepresent oneself with University documents.
- Failure or refusal to respond to a reasonable directive or report to an administrative office.
- Fleeing or attempting to flee when approached by a staff member.
- Misuse of Documents: No student shall intentionally furnish false information nor shall a student forge, alter, destruct, or misuse any university documents or data. This includes but is not limited to:
- Altering or misrepresenting student records, identification, timesheets, and/ or academic forms and/or files.
- Conveying false information/documents for the purpose of defrauding or cheating.
- Conveying information/documents known to be false.
Section 2. Safety and Security
- Identification Cards: All students are required to carry and present valid University identification when requested to do so by a University Official. No student shall alter or forge any identification card or other document presented to show proof of age.
- Guest Responsibility: When a student has a guest or guests on campus, the student assumes responsibility for the conduct of that guest or guests. All campus guests must carry a valid photo ID at all times and present that ID when requested by a University Official. Additional information regarding policies in the residence halls that students are required to follow can be found online.
- Unauthorized Access: Unauthorized entry into University facilities or property without explicit consent is prohibited. No student shall possess, without explicit authorization by the appropriate University entity, any keys or codes to any University facility or premises. No student shall provide unauthorized access to anyone without explicit authorization by the appropriate University entity. Restrooms with gender designations are for the use of people with that gender identity.
- Restricted Areas: No student shall enter into or upon any restricted or secured area of the campus or any University facility without explicit consent and authorization from a University Official. Restricted areas include but are not limited to roofs, utility rooms, construction sites and emergency areas not designated for that purpose.
- Aiding and/or Inciting in Prohibited Conduct: No student shall aid, help, or otherwise assist another in violating any rule applicable to the Code of Student Conduct. No student shall encourage others to commit any acts prohibited in the Code of Student Conduct.
Section 5. Abuse & Misuse of the Conduct Process
Retaliation: No member of the University community shall retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against a person who files a complaint, serves as a witness, or otherwise assists or participates in any conduct proceeding.
What other policies and expected/prohibited behavior at NJIT’s Jersey City location do I need to be aware of?
NJIT’s Office of the Dean of Students maintains a number of policies applicable to all NJIT students the University Policy on Academic Integrity and Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (Interim). For more information on these and other university policies, please visit the Student Policies page.
In addition, the university keeps a directory of university-wide policies which is available online in the Catalog of Official University Policies.
Does 101 Hudson have its own code of conduct?
As representatives of NJIT, all students, employees, and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a Class A professional office building. In addition to the NJIT Code of Student Conduct, anyone at the Jersey City location is responsible for observing and complying with the following rules and regulations provided by 101 Hudson:
Building Rules and Regulations
- All doors opening to public corridors shall be kept closed at all times except for normal ingress and egress to the NJIT premises.
- Students, employees, and guests entering or leaving 101 Hudson at any time when the building’s exterior doors are locked, or any time outside of 101 Hudson’s normal business hours (Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., excluding holidays), may be required to sign in at the ground floor lobby security desk. Access to the building may be refused unless the person seeking access has proper identification or has previously arranged a pass for access.
- Students, employees, and guests shall not disturb, solicit, or canvass any occupant of the building and shall cooperate with 101 Hudson officials to prevent same.
- The toilet rooms, urinals, wash bowls and other apparatus at 101 Hudson and/or the NJIT premises shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were constructed, and no foreign substance of any kind whatsoever (e.g. food, paper towels, etc.) shall be thrown therein.
- Students, employees, and guests shall not bring into 101 Hudson or keep within the NJIT premises any vehicles including bicycles. Personal mobility devices powered by a lithium-ion or other storage battery are similarly prohibited.
- Cooking shall not be done in the NJIT premises, nor shall the NJIT premises be used for the storage of merchandise, for lodging or for any improper, objectionable or immoral purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, approved equipment and microwave ovens may be used for heating food and brewing coffee, tea, hot chocolate and similar beverages, provided that such use is in accordance with applicable federal, state and city laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and does not cause odors which are objectionable to Landlord and other Tenants.
- 101 Hudson reserves the right to exclude or expel from the building any person who, in 101 Hudson’s judgment, is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or who shall in any manner do any act in violation of any of these Rules and Regulations.
- Students, employees, and guests shall not loiter in the entrances or corridors, nor in any way obstruct the sidewalks, lobby, halls, stairways or elevators, and shall use the same only as a means of ingress and egress for the NJIT premises.
- Students, employees, and guests shall comply with all safety, fire protection and evacuation procedures and regulations established by NJIT, 101 Hudson, or any governmental agency.
- Students, employees, and guests shall comply with any non-smoking ordinance adopted by any applicable governmental authority.